Shakespeare, Milton and their Contributions
Shakespeare is one of the makers of English Language, a daring experimenter, whose language reflects the freedom and freshness and the energy and exuberance of the Elizabethan age. The most striking factor about Shakespeare's vocabulary is its amplitude. The vocabulary of the scholar poet Milton, is only one third of that of Shakespeare, who knew little Latin and Greek. Shakespeare's contribution to English vocabulary is remarkable. Many of the common phrases and expressions used by him have become the household terms. Examples are: life's fretful fever, t be or not to be, yeoman service, a sea change, a Romeo . Shakespeare has coined a number of new words with prefixes like em, en, un etc. enkindle, enrapt, unavoided, enmesh etc. many words make their first appearance in Shakespeare eg, dwindle, lonely, auspicious etc. This does not mean that he coined them, might have introduced them, might have introduced them from the spoken or learned languages. All the words and p...