Traditional Grammar & Structural Linguistics
Difference between traditional grammar and structural linguistics Traditional/Prescriptive Grammar:- This has been the basis of all school-grammar until the structuralists headed by Leonard Bloomfield and C. C. Fries. With them began the structural or descriptive analysis of English grammar. The structuralists pointed out some major defects of traditional English grammar. (i) Traditional grammar was based on the dead classical languages, Latin and Greek. Latin was taught in England for a long time. The rules of Latin grammar were imposed on English grammar. Latin was a highly inflected and dead language. The rules of an inflected language cannot be the basis for analysing an uninfected language like English. Modern language keeps on changing. (ii) The definitions of grammatical categories like noun, verb etc. were Latin. These definitions were unsatisfactory, the reason was that there was not a single criterion for classification. There was opposition b...